I feel like I owe some sort of explanation as to why I haven't blogged in so long but honestly it's changed from day to day! Either I've not felt inspired or I've not had time after going back to university and feeling like I've been thrown in the deep end without any sort of floaty thing. They weren't kidding when they said that second year is harder!
Anyway, recently, probably more like the last few months rather than weeks, I've had some real difficulty with my skin misbehaving when I needed to look decent.
At first I was really self conscious and sad about it, I really hated going out and even when I tried to put make-up on it just looked worse. I had big spots on my chin and even worse, on my cheeks.
To be perfectly honest, it probably was just hormones and the weather changing mixed with my already super sensitive skin. I've been trying loads of different things over the summer to get rid of my imperfections and they genuinely have been working. I will do a follow up blog post about the skin care I've been using, baring in mind that it will all be suited more for oily/spot prone skin because that's what I have.
I think I went through a good solid 2 weeks of feeling horrible and sad and quite frankly, ashamed of my skin. I mean, no-one likes spots. I'm not saying I have acne because I don't, I have oily skin which I sometimes find really difficult to control and I get bunches of spots.
Over the last 3, 4 weeks I've stopped caring and it's made my life so much easier! I don't care if you can see some spots through my make-up or if you can see my spot scars when I take my make-up off. I feel like people now have such a horrible attitude towards spots when they are perfectly normal and lets be honest, loves, we all get them. Whether you're young or older, you'll get a spot every now and again.
Don't compare your skin to others because that'll make you feel even worse. It's such a big weight lifted off your shoulders once you don't care. Spots can be hormonal, due to stress, maybe not taking all of your make-up off before you go to bed, they can even be caused by weather changes if you've got sensitive skin like mine. Weather changes make my skin break out like nobody's business and also make my lips super dry and chapped, it's not a pretty sight.
Please don't think you're unattractive or be ashamed of spots, loves, they're completely normal and everyone gets them, don't let anyone fool you. No-one notices them unless you point them out! Leave 'em be and enjoy your beautiful life, a spot isn't worth missing out on a beautiful Autumnal day.
I hope you're having a wonderful Sunday :)
Kate x
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