It's not fun, that part is obvious. It's completely soul destroying. One minute you think that you're going to spend the rest of your life with this person and then the next minute you're crying into a box of malteasers with a billion snotty tissues surrounding your bundle of blankets. And then you're watching all of these romantic films like Bridget Jones and Titanic and Dear John and you're almost suicidal. It's horrible, it's actually quite scary when you think that this one human, who is really only a bit of skin covering some bones, can have you in the palm of their hand.
You may feel happy once this person is removed from your life, sometimes a breakup can be rather liberating and you can take on the world with a whole new perspective. Get a new haircut, rearrange your bedroom, take a different route to work or school or whatever so you can see a different part of town you may never have even noticed was there!
Unfortunately, there are more people who feel the complete opposite. I know that I felt as though I was completely alone when I recently went through a break up. Not only because I'd lost someone who I had been in love with for four years, but because this man was my best friend. He knew me better than anyone and had been through so much shit that I felt as though he had began to wrap himself around my ribs and was slowly becoming part of my skin, and when I had to leave him, I could feel the physical pain of ripping him out of my rib cage and letting him float away. I couldn't believe how empty I felt. All I wanted to do was to hide away and cry and mope and eat as much fucking chocolate and drink hot tea all day as I could but I knew I couldn't do that. I had to get up and brush my hair. I took a hot shower with my favourite smelling shampoo and body soap, I did my makeup prettily so I felt good about myself and I wore my favourite tshirt and off I went to university. Honestly? I had a fucking good day. I laughed and giggled and I even got all of my work done in class plus extra. I got a hot chocolate as I was waiting for my bus home and listened to my favourite album. The truth is, the breakup was my decision. My pain was brought on my myself but it also meant that I had to make myself feel better, and I have. Everything we did together is locked up in a draw, I've got new candles and our songs have been deleted. I'm even thinking of a haircut and a new hair colour soon, just to have a real change.
My whole point, ladies and guys, is that heartbreak hurts a lot and holy hell does it take time to recover... But you have got to stop thinking about them and think about yourself for once. YOU are totally worth it. Don't forget about that guy that smiled at you in Costa and move on. It'll get easier, I promise.
Okay love ducks, that's my advice.
Love y'all.
Love y'all.
- Kate x
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